Jim Slevin

Regional Director

Jim Slevin

Regional Director
ReadID by Inverid


Jim Slevin is the Regional Director for Inverid (formerly InnoValor) the creators of ReadID, the foremost Near Field Communications (NFC) SaaS solution. Jim holds Regional responsibility for the UK and Ireland and is the global lead for Inverid’s growing Travel and Borders sector. 

Jim’s career has been a game of two halves, the first half being 22 years working in Aviation and Transport with his career evolution being through Engineering, IT, Strategic Change Management and Security. Whilst Aviation has been a constant vertical being a stakeholder environment his work involved close cooperation and collaboration with amongst others, regulators, government agencies and commercial entities. 

The second half involved a move to the ‘dark side’, growing commercial strategic business units creating, deploying and supporting identity management and biometric solutions, delivering both security and facilitation to both Governments, NGOs and Private Sector companies. 

As a Chartered Engineer by trade, his professional passion for well-engineered products and services is balanced against his ‘real life’ passions as well. If you want to get Jim engaged in extended dialogue then simply mention anything to do with sports, dogs, politics, food and wine or social mobility; not necessarily in that order. 

All session by Jim Slevin